Monday, February 18, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
i realised why recently i dislike to read fiction. fiction is having to put yourself into the story, plunging headlong into the plot. that is what i dislike. i'd rather keep my stoic-ness. the lack of emotions is easier to deal with than a flood of something you cant control. i dont like to be caught up inside a story. it makes me ponder too much and unnecessarily. i'd rather be keep so busy i dont have time to think. it makes the day pass faster and the nights bearable. i'll be so tired i dont have the time to think or reflect.
i like non fiction books. that's where i seek my numerical explanation for why everything is the way it is. at least i think i know.
do you love me?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
i hate vday. not because i dont have anyone to spend it with. but because i'm so used to the fact that vday = buy things and give ppl and receive something nice in return
i learnt my lesson. buy things and give ppl doesnt equal to receive something nice in return. in fact, if my gift gets appreciated, it's considered very good.
this year, no expectations. i guess i kinda got inculcated with the vday idea cos in sec sch, we just buy buy buy, give give give and receive receive receive. you happy i happy we happy. end of story. we go home and gorge ourselves silly on chocs.
it's cold. remind me next time to wear tees with sleeve to sleep. dont try to change my mind abt sleeping with longer pants. i only accept fbt (or shorter) oh goodness. where are my moral values.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
ok. not that anyone has complained whatsoever. but just feel like eating a strawberry/blueberry/LEMON LEMON LEMON tart whenever i see my own blog name.
lemon tarts are so good. the acidity of lemon mixed with the sweetness of the crust.. topped with a sugar dusting. ah. heaven. that's why a lemon is a tart. (ok nvm if you dont understand.)
maybe i'll just post some pictures.. cos accounting 2 discussion absolutely murdering my brain cells and i was engaged in another brain cell killing exercise before that.
that aside.. here are some pics to tell you more about who i am, who crap i say and what the heck i've been doing for the past 20 odd years of my life.
when im really really fed up with school work and co stuff and when my right side doesnt like my left side, i play this really lame game called maplestory. whereby i go on the game.. find other friends to talk to. my main character is called a priest. why? cos it earns freaking loads of money easily. and funds everyone else.. the dragon knight, the page, the assasin, the bandit and the ice lighting. wow. i have many accounts. but rest assure, i dont maple as frequently as you think i do. i renounce my position as maple-siao. the character on the left is my character in case you havent figured. the one on the right is half mine. cos i take it out for a walk once a while. both characters are 8x going on 9x. and gk, if u see this, my characters don't like each other sadly. the dk thinks the priest prints money and the priest thinks the dk is .. a puny little guy carrying an oversized toothpick.
my neighbours do have a habit of displaying their kids' school shoes on ledges. a very zoom-ed in and close up shot. i didnt take this. the voyeur and bored sister did it. i swear the shoes are white-washed as well. the ol' primary school days. i wore nikes in sec sch. HAHAHAHA. fake ones which half the world was wearing too. nike was very 'in' last time. i had this nike bag which i loved to bits..(literally cos it's in bits now) and used it for 4 years. nowadays i change bag every other month or something like that.
i live freaking near vivocity. ENVY ME. haha. love the place loads. my shopping haven. pull and bear, GAP, mango, zara, fox.. yeah baby. im a shopping freak and i dont bat an eyelid spending 30 odd on a tee. (of cos not when mummy's swiping her card) just kidding. i pay my own expenses. my only annoyance is that topshop/forever21.. clothes i can never wear. dont hate me for being scrawny. i hate buying bottoms. never can fit properly. btw, i discovered zara kids.. which has pants that are to-die-for. and dresses dresses dresses! siao. i never wear dresses.
beijing 2007. NO LEFT TURN! but who cares.. honestly. buses U-turn in the midst of a junction..ahh i miss shopping in beijing. but the sweltering heat in summer really kills. i love their road signs. it's quirky. and qingdao's traffic lights.. damn cool. and the qingdao beer. everyday one bottle. ah my liver.
japan 2006. disneyland. went broke there. like seriously spent my yen there till i went nuts with all the mickey mouse minnie mouse and pooh bear. taken on the pooh's hunny hunt ride. it was all in japanese and i cldnt understand a single thing. but i like it! cos it's pooh and friends. so there. bleahx. goodness. im so childishly mature. what an oxymoron. screw it mh, stop treating me like a kid and turning around to chide me for being childish, you good. you wait. i hate your credit cards.

all in all.. have fun!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
no matter, let's no dwell too much on something that may not be of considerable importance in future. chinese new year's well into its 3rd day. this year's kinda less bitey than the previous one. no fights, no nasty scratches. ate too many pineapple tarts this year..sudden inspiration to gobble everything.
i feel like a fat turkey. but it's not xmas so dont kill me.
i want the samsung mp3 t10! hahaha.. actually torn between that and the ipod nano. sheesh.
discovered something kinda psychotic-whee-silly stuff. salad fingers! this little cute cartoon thingy that doesnt make any sense. but hey, when have i made any sense?
and in case you're wondering, i suck at tagboards n its etc. so im not having any of that. either leave comments.. or just dont bother. hahahhaha. im that lazy. oops.
anyways.. happy new year! =)