Tuesday, October 28, 2008

13x pure int bishop quitting sales

tma 16 blue moon 2 slots left.
tma 14 purple cape 0 slots left.
tma 12 purple gaia 2 slots left.
3int 3 dex yellow snowshoe clean.
5int bathrobe 9 slots left.
85MA super snowboard clean
93MA skewer clean.
TMA 106 widam staff 3 slots left.
TMA 90 widam staff 6 slots left.
2int maple magician shield clean.
TMA 12 white work glove 0 slots left.

0 mesos left.

bishop helmed, MW9, bahamut 15, genesis 1, resurrection 1, infinity 1
left 6 SP.


i'll take real life any day.

ok. technically 15% to 13x.

it's time to let go of it.

Buying a slice of life~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

this is worst than i can ever imagine. well, i did make a wish, asking to experience unconditional love.. BUT NOT LIKE THIS. hello? where are your brains? did you fry them alongside the french fries? did something eat it? innocent love is one thing. DUMB is another.

i should stop playing online games. they drive me around the wall. one headache is bad enough. two is a catastrophe.

life really does know how to make a mockery out of me. i have tolerance doesnt mean you can cross the line. and the other hand, some may claim i have zero tolerance.

i need to learn. i need to meditate. my head is seriously hurting.
but, i learnt: never to ask for things without knowing what you're in for.

okok. this bao learns slowly.

oh yes. and if you do wish for something. make it SPECIFIC.
eg: i wish for an apple. do state what colour you want, which type (fuji, red apple etc), when you want it...

bao learns the hard way =(


Sunday, October 19, 2008

save me. i am in deep deep deep trouble. someone save me please. i cant bring myself to hurt anyone. but everything's too out of hand for me to control, for me to salvage. i just want some peace and quiet now that the thunderstorm is over.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

i dont know how to tell you, but dont expect to get what you see. i'm sorry if you're eventually disappointed.

just to let YOU know, i love u. always did. always will.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

my mum: why are you and ling (my sis) smiling at your laptop screens?????
us: smile somemore.

it's been a long time since i smiled at my laptop screen. sometimes it's so funny i have to bite my tongue to prevent myself from laughing. no wonder people get addicted to the freaking net.

i feel like im at a crossroad. not knowing where to go.. not knowing what i want. it's all so uncertain! and you threw out my hsewife application ==. ouch.