1) lack of sleep
2) bad posture .. cos it's all sofas and no tables
3) hunger
cant exactly leave my poor laptop alone while i go get food can i? hate it when im all alone and have no one to lunch/dinner with me. i never end up eating anything. why? i hate eating alone. i'll rather eat on the go, eg running with a container of mee siam. done that, tried that, had fun =)

i cant split myself into two. but somehow this world requires me to be
-harsh, bitter, calculative
and yet
-soft, kind, amiable, understanding and brutally accomodating.
the conflicts will never end. the side that dominates will determine my future. while you walked further down the path, i stayed at the forked route, wondering which way to procede.
chanced upon this photo. kinda like it. too tired. if your other half's younger than you, expect to baby him.
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