Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2.10am and doing markstrat. oh goodness this is painful. lin's mugging for her astro quiz. and i'm starving. this semester is painful with all the projects that are so freaking unfulfilling. i think i'm just going to snooze on my table till 7am then it's time for lesson again.

i hate vday. not because i dont have anyone to spend it with. but because i'm so used to the fact that vday = buy things and give ppl and receive something nice in return

i learnt my lesson. buy things and give ppl doesnt equal to receive something nice in return. in fact, if my gift gets appreciated, it's considered very good.

this year, no expectations. i guess i kinda got inculcated with the vday idea cos in sec sch, we just buy buy buy, give give give and receive receive receive. you happy i happy we happy. end of story. we go home and gorge ourselves silly on chocs.

it's cold. remind me next time to wear tees with sleeve to sleep. dont try to change my mind abt sleeping with longer pants. i only accept fbt (or shorter) oh goodness. where are my moral values.

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