Sunday, April 20, 2008

for the remaining of my course, i do not wish to have anything to do with co anymore. not that i don't like it. i'll just prefer to have more time to spend on myself, family, my friends, schoolwork and everyone that i've been neglecting. there's no point in tussling around something that i've simply lost enjoyment for.

i want to do something i've never tried before/never dreamt of trying. it's time to live my life the way i want it.

had enough of the co life. i want MY life. i don't want to be dictated and thrown around like some teddy bear anymore. no longer at your beck and call and manipulation. it's time to let go. i cant wait for my time to let go.

-saw all the rampage of tags on sn's blog. i guess everyone needs to calm down and talk it out. all i can say it, what's done is done. no point blaming anyone for any wrong decisions. i've done what i can. i dont have any regrets. just bear in mind, if we did not meet your expectations, it doesnt mean we are wrong or lousy. new people, new ideas.

on hindsight, im goddamn annoyed cos my mum keeps rubbing in that my neighbour got into smu biz. im already regretting a lot of things thus far. but von's right, i need to look forward. the past cannot be changed, you can only ensure your future's good. dont expect me to stay around for a drifter. never a stay-er

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

cos im bored

1. Real name => mozzie food
2. Nickname => turkey. dumbdumb.
3. Married => nope
4. Male or Female => female
5. High school => the one opposite tchs
6. College => the one beside my high school
7. Short or long hair => somewhere in between?
8. Are you a health freak => nah.. I LOVE KFC. how's that for health
9. Height => i'll tell you my ideal height.. 161cm. how's that.
10. Do you have a crush on someone => there's a possibility
11. Do you like yourself => i hope so
12. Piercings => zer0
13. Righty or Lefty => right handed. wish i could be ambidextrous

14. First surgery => when i was around 7.. if my memory still works
15. First piercing(s) => nopes
16. First person you see in the morning =>mr cockroach
17. First award => colouring contest! haha
18. First sport you joined => 4X100m relay race
19. First pet => poor goldfishy
20. First vacation => Genting.. when i was 2 and cldnt remember a single thing
21. First concert => too long ago. when i was 5?
22. First crush => THAT WAS IN KINDERGARTEN. shoo.

23. Eating => air
24. Drinking => molecules
25. I'm about to => go berserk

26. Want kids => those screamy unglam accessories? no thanks.
27. Want to get married => im getting married to my bolster thank you very much
28. Careers in mind => hermit

29. Lips or eyes => eyes
30. Hugs or kisses => hugs
31. Shorter or taller => taller unless i wear killer heels.*smirks. find me a guy shorter than me and i'll find you an elixer for permanent longevity.
32. Romantic or spontaneous => BOTH. i want my cake and eat it.
33. Sensitive or loud => sensitive
34. Trouble maker or hesitant => neither. i hate ppl who gives me headaches and dont dare to do what they want to do

35. Kissed a stranger => nope
36. Drank bubbles => does bubble tea count?
37. Lost glasses/contacts => i need my specs.. so i try not to lose them..
38. Ran away from home => almost
39. Liked someone younger => yes
40. Liked someone older => if older is a few years...then i suppose so
41. Broken someone's heart => oops a daisy. your heart's slippery
42. Been arrested => NOOO
43. Cried when someone died => hMmm
44. Liked a friend => i like strangers better?

45. Yourself => yes yes yes.
46. Miracles => sort of.
47. Heaven => is there cream cheese there?
48. Santa claus => sort of.
49. Angels => ??

50. Is there one person you want to be with right now => nopes
51. Do you believe in God => nope sry.

Monday, April 7, 2008


being extremely numb and detached of late. been wondering if i should stay. but the promise binds me. i'm determined to keep this promise, even if i look like a fool.
i have no one to talk to. no free time except when you're at lessons. you dont understand me. i guess it's not your fault. even my mum gets exasperated at times.

but now the chance has arrived. i dont want to be enslaved to my heart anymore. love shouldnt be the reason i keep forgiving and bowing my head to your reprimands and demands. if you cannot comprehend the value of compromise, i cant help you any more.

to put it harshly, i dont know if you love me enough to compromise on your life. it's not about accomodating me totally. it's about whether you are willing to put up another person in your life and making things work out.

i dont want to apologise for your mistakes and watch how you turn all wrongs into rights without a bat of an eyelid