Monday, April 7, 2008


being extremely numb and detached of late. been wondering if i should stay. but the promise binds me. i'm determined to keep this promise, even if i look like a fool.
i have no one to talk to. no free time except when you're at lessons. you dont understand me. i guess it's not your fault. even my mum gets exasperated at times.

but now the chance has arrived. i dont want to be enslaved to my heart anymore. love shouldnt be the reason i keep forgiving and bowing my head to your reprimands and demands. if you cannot comprehend the value of compromise, i cant help you any more.

to put it harshly, i dont know if you love me enough to compromise on your life. it's not about accomodating me totally. it's about whether you are willing to put up another person in your life and making things work out.

i dont want to apologise for your mistakes and watch how you turn all wrongs into rights without a bat of an eyelid

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